Abscessed Tooth And Ways To Relieve Pain In Garland, TX

Dr. Sakunthala Boppana Explains How To Relieve Pain From Abcessed Teeth

Think you have an abscessed tooth? Three ways to ease the pain.

If you ignore your toothache for long enough, it might become a tooth abscess. A tooth abscess is a collection of pus around the tooth root or in the gums surrounding the infected tooth. Sometimes, a gum abscess may look like a tooth abscess too. Whatever the case, it is definite that an abscessed tooth is something you should never ignore. But how do you even know if it is a tooth abscess, and what can you do? Just read on for all the info on a tooth abscess.

What Is A Tooth Abscess?

Any abscess is a collection of pus that is, more often than not, caused by a bacterial infection. An abscess may form anywhere within the body and is typically painful. When a tooth infection results in pus formation, it is a tooth abscess.

What Causes A Tooth Abscess?

Whenever the oral bacteria access the innermost part of the tooth, called the pulp, they also access the blood supply. They not only derive nutrition from growing in number; they can also travel to other body parts through the bloodstream. The population explosion of bacterial cells activates our defense systems that start to fight off the intruders, and the pus is the result of it, consisting of dead cells.

How Do You Know If You Have A Tooth Abscess?

Look out for the following signs and symptoms-
– an excruciating, throbbing pain in the infected tooth that might also radiate to the jaws, ears, and head.
– the pain is constant and more intense whenever you lie down.
– a high or low-grade fever; an indication that your body’s immune system is at work.
– tenderness while chewing or swallowing food.
– discomfort breathing.
– intraoral(inside the mouth) or extraoral(outside mouth- on the face) swelling. Swellings on the cheeks and neck might make it difficult to breathe even.
– bad mouth odor
– sudden rush of foul-tasting, foul-smelling, and salty fluid in your mouth, caused by the rupture of the abscess and release of the pus.

What Should You Do If You Suspect A Tooth Abscess?

The first thing to do is to book an appointment with your dentist immediately. However, in case of fever and swelling, you can go to the emergency too. Don’t wait for your dental appointment in case of these two symptoms.

How Can You Relieve The Pain?

The following remedies help alleviate the pain while waiting for the ER or your dentist.
1. Apply a cold compress to the swelling; it helps numb the pain. But never try to pierce or pop the abscess with sharp objects; you might worsen the infection.
2. You can use over-the-counter analgesics to relieve the pain. However, it is pertinent to monitor their dosage. Anything excess might harm your liver.
3. You may use over-the-counter anesthetic oral gels for temporary relief from the pain.

It is best not to try treating a dental abscess at home. Only a dentist can permanently solve your problem by draining the abscess by incision, a root canal, or tooth extraction in extreme cases. Let your dentist decide the best course of action.

If you have more question or have a dental emergency, call your emergency Dental office in Garland, TX at  (469) 804-5677 and talk to a professional for advice


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