Garland, TX Residents Learn The Benefits Of Professional Teeth Bleaching


Discolored teeth can detract from an otherwise beautiful smile. Coffee, red wine, and tobacco can stain our teeth. Whitening toothpastes or rinses can only do so much to break down the discoloration. For residents near Garland, TX, Dr. Boppana of Perfect 32 Family Dentistry offers teeth bleaching options for dramatically whiter smiles.

Teeth whitening is performed to remove stains and discoloration. It is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures, as patients get visible results quickly. A whiter smile is impressive and can make patients feel better about themselves.

Whitening At Your Convenience

At Perfect 32 Family Dentistry, we offer at-home whitening trays, which allow patients to perform their own treatments at their leisure. You can whiten at home, in the office, or in the car. Whatever time of day works for you. Using impressions of your teeth, we fabricate custom trays designed to fit your mouth comfortably. The gel-filled trays are worn daily for approximately one hour until the desired shade is achieved. Periodic touch-ups may be performed to maintain your bright smile.

Professional Vresus Commercial Whitening

Whitening treatments available from your dentist offer a level of quality not attainable in commercial products.

  • Professional grade products use prescription strength gel that is higher quality than over-the-counter products.
  • Because the trays are customized, there is no slipping of strips and getting the product all over your gums. It ensures patient comfort by not spreading the gel onto sensitive tissues.
  • Our at-home trays do not require lights or lasers to achieve the desired level of brightness.
  • By treating with a dentist, your teeth are checked to ensure the health of your smile.

To learn more about your teeth bleaching options for a more dazzling smile, contact Perfect 32 Family Dentistry for an appointment today (469) 804-5677

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