What should you expect during your Routine Dental Exam?

Prevention is better than cure (and definitely more cost-effective) and therefore a routine dental examination is something that should not be skipped and ideally be done twice a year. If you have never had a routine dental check-up before, just read on to know what you should expect in one.

Oral examination- your teeth, gums, and other soft tissues of the mouth are examined and any deviations from normal are documented. The teeth are checked for signs of dental caries or tooth decay, other hard tissue anomalies such as dental erosion(thinning of hard enamel), abrasion(damage by aggressive tooth-brushing), micro-cracks, etc. The dental occlusion, the way your jaws fit together, is observed for deviations. Gums are examined for bleeding and accumulation of tartar or dental plaque. Other soft tissues such as the inside of the cheeks are examined for any signs of oral cancer or any other oral diseases. Principally, everything inside your oral cavity is minutely observed by your dentist and recorded accordingly.

Oral prophylactic measures- however diligent are your oral hygiene practices, plaque is something that can be rid of only by professional tooth cleaning, oral prophylaxis in other terms. Even with regular brushing and flossing, a small bit of plaque can still accumulate in the crevices and curves of your teeth. To prevent damage to the gums, this plaque should be removed thoroughly. A dental hygienist performs the procedure of oral prophylaxis or scaling by use of manual instruments or an ultrasonic scaler. By either means, the procedure is painless and even if a deep cleaning is required, your hygienist will administer local anesthesia so that you are comfortable throughout the procedure. Scaling is followed by polishing, a procedure that smoothens the tooth surfaces which may have become a bit rough after the disengagement of dental plaque.

You will receive a set of oral hygiene instructions from your dental hygienist depending on your oral hygiene conditions. And you should also not hesitate to ask your queries regarding oral hygiene practices.

Oral radiographs- oral radiographs or x-rays are not mandatory for all. But if it is your first dental check-up or if your dentist recommends, you will need oral radiographs to assess your dental health. The x-rays may vary in number depending on your oral condition. Also, the frequency of taking radiographs is determined by your dentist depending on the requirement.

Treatment recommendations-

On the completion of your oral examination, your dentist might suggest treatment recommendations for any dental problem that is diagnosed. It may include a root canal, replacement of a filling, restoration of a decayed tooth, or referral to a specialist. Your dentist might suggest further tests to further clarify your oral condition if the need be.

Your dentist can not only detect oral problems at an early stage but also prevent them from happening in the first place. Early detection is not only easily manageable but saves you from a plethora of inconveniences while saving your hard-earned money. Book an appointment today at your dentist to prevent a headache tomorrow.

Looking for a dentist in Garland area? Located at 3630 N Shiloh Rd #209, Garland TX Perfect32 Family Dentistry is looking forward to helping you with your dental needs.

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