Why The Invisalign Satisfaction Rate For Patients In Garland TX Is High


For nearly 20 years, people across the country have been enjoying the health and cosmetic benefits of straighter teeth with clear aligners. Yet all aligner systems and all providers are not the same. Here are some of the reasons patients at Perfect 32 Family Dentistry in Garland, TX are so pleased with Invisalign treatment and results.

What Makes Invisalign Treatment In Garland, Tx So Effective?

Five million smiles have been improved with Invisalign, and each one has helped the technology behind the product progress. While Invisalign was initially considered a cosmetic straightening solution, today it can be appropriate for complex cases including:

  • Crossbite
  • Crowding
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Open bite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Twisted, shifted, and generally crooked teeth

Invisalign’s advanced technique begins with high resolution digital images of your mouth. Dr. Boppana takes impressions as a starting point for treatment. With this extremely precise model, the doctor creates a virtual treatment plan using ClinCheck software. Movement of each tooth is carefully mapped. With the Invisalign outcome simulator, you see how your smile will be transformed through treatment.

The information goes to the Invisalign laboratory, where your personalized series of aligners is fabricated using 3D printing technology. Some of the small details of the Invisalign system make a big difference in your treatment experience. For example, the proprietary, virtually transparent plastic material is more flexible. Aligner fit is snug and comfortable, for maximum straightening effectiveness and natural speaking and swallowing. Edges of aligners are trimmed and smoothed to avoid gum irritation, too.

While each patient’s treatment plan is unique, the evolution of Invisalign, including the dentist’s training, now allows results in as little as three six months with good compliance (wearing aligners at least 20 hours per day).

The Importance Of Empathy

Invisalign treatment is non-traumatic, yet it does represent a lifestyle adjustment. Dr. Boppana understands. She is known for taking plenty of time in examination and consultation to determine if Invisalign is the best treatment option for your straightening goals. She patiently describes the process, so you know what to expect, from first visit to financial arrangements. Backed by a great deal of experience in Invisalign treatment, Dr. Boppana offers tips to help patients adapt quickly to wearing and living with aligners.

Recheck appointments are usually scheduled at six to eight week intervals. At these brief visits, you and Dr. Boppana review changes in your smile using the ClinCheck software, and she answers your questions. You receive your next set of aligners and the doctor checks the fit. Because aligners are clear, you see improvement as it occurs, with progress confirmed at these visits. At the conclusion of treatment, Dr. Boppana offers the choice of a removable or bonded retainer to keep your new straight smile looking its best for a long time.

Find out for yourself why  Invisalign has a satisfaction rate of 96 percent, and why nine out of ten patients say they recommend the treatment to family and friends. Call (469)804-5677 to schedule an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Boppana at Perfect 32 Family Dentistry in Garland, TX

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